Tex-Mex Spring Break Tour; Day 8

It was 43 degrees when we departed our hotel in Tucumcari, NM at 8:00 AM.  It looked to be another beautiful day.  Our route today was simple - Highway 54 east all the way to our destination in Pratt, KS.

As we drove across Texas the wind started picking up and we were assaulted and battered by tumbleweeds.  At times there were groups of them blowing across the highway and I just couldn't miss all of them.  Chris took this photo of a small tumbleweed blowing across the road in front of us in Stratford, TX.

In Meade, KS we enjoyed lunch at the Chuckwagon Restaurant

before visiting the Dalton Gang Hideout.  Eva Dalton was a sister of the men comprising the Dalton gang. She and her husband owned a small house in Meade.  Eva's criminal brothers were known to visit her at this house.

Eva and her husband also owned a barn (now used as the museum) just down the hill from the house.

It was discovered later, after Eva and her hubby moved out of town, that there was a tunnel between the house and the barn, which was used by the Dalton gang to evade the sheriff.

After our Dalton Gang Hideout tour in Meade, Gary and Denah left us and headed for home.  We sure enjoyed their company on this road trip.  Hopefully there will be many more.

When Carl tried to start his motorcycle he found that his battery was dead so we gave it a jump start.

We continued on our route and when we stopped for a break we had to jump start Carl's motorcycle again. After we landed in Pratt, KS Carl was able to purchase a new battery at O'Reilly Auto Parts, we got it installed and we're ready to go tomorrow.

We stopped in Pratt at 5:10 where it was 64 degrees and windy.  We traveled 340 miles today.

To see all the photos taken today click this here link - Day 8 Pics


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