Colorado; Day 2; 9/13/09

We rode away from Russell, KS westbound on I-70 in fog and 61 degrees at 7:20 am. 106 miles later we stopped in Oakley, KS for gas and a butt break.

Back on I-70 westbound into more fog. We finally drove out of all the fog around Goodland, KS and a short distance into Colorado it became partly sunny and the wind picked up. About 125 miles down the road I decided to stop at Flagler, CO for gas. As we exited I saw a pink Cadillac sitting high on a pole. It was in front of the I-70 diner, which had a sign in the window saying they had wireless internet access. After getting gas we went to the diner so I could update this blog, drink a cup of coffee, and eat a piece of pie.

This diner was purchased on the internet from Fargo, ND, where it sat in six pieces on a dirt lot after being one of four Kroll’s Diners. It was moved to Flagler, CO (I-70 exit 395) on six semi-truck trailers in May of 2007. It was put back together, cleaned up, and was in business on July 4, 2007. The restaurant is run by Tom and Jean Bredehofts, Chef Richard Kacir, and his wife Vania. Chef Kacir makes a larrapin good coconut crème pie!!!

Back on I-70 again, headed for Denver. When we got to Denver our bladders were under pressure and we were looking for a place to eat some lunch. We took I-270 north and west and decided to stop at a Wendy’s. We both had chili and a side salad.

I-270 took us a short distance west where we got on Hwy 36 headed north and west. In Boulder, CO we stopped for gas and then rode on up to Estes Park, CO. We drove past the fair grounds and saw there was a Scottish Festival in town for the weekend. Fortunately it was Sunday afternoon. As we rode into town it was threatening rain so we stopped at the visitor’s center, which had big comfortable chairs and couches to wait out the rain.

We made phone contact with Gary and found out they were already at Amberwood, our lodging for the evening. Gary, Judy, Mel, and Trisha rode to the visitor’s center to meet us after the rain passed through. We then walked downtown Estes Park so the ladies could do some shopping.

After a dinner at Casa Grande we rode about two miles out of town to Amberwood. We occupied the downstairs section of the lodge. There was a kitchen and living room area, three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and a wood burning fireplace. It was a nice place to stay.

Chris and I rode 420 miles today and the high temperature was 68. A GREAT day for riding.

For pictures of today click on the following link:


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