North Dakota and Minnesota; Days 5, 6, & 7

We rode off this morning (day 5) under partly cloudy skies in 54 degree temperature. Today would involve a parting of the ways. We were headed for Iowa City, IA (south on Hwy 136, south and west on Hwy 151, and south on Hwy 1) after which, all the guys except me would head for home in the Kansas City area and I'd head for Montrose, IA to pick up my little Peach, who was at her cousin's ranch.
We rode through Iowa City on Hwy 1 and stopped at a Village Inn, located at the junction of Hwy 1 and Hwy 6, for breakfast. This was our only real breakfast of the trip. All others were motel provided breakfasts. It was larrapin good.
The other boys took off south on Hwy 1, eventually making it home by about 5:30 pm. I rode south on Hwy 27/218. I arrived at Deb and Tim's ranch at 11:30 am having ridden a total of 165 miles for the day. It got more cloudy the further south I went. As I was turning onto Deb and Tim's road it sprinkled very lightly. The high for the morning was 69.

After arriving at Deb and Tim's I found out that my Little Peach had gone squirrel hunting while I was out riding the north land!?!? Later on Day 5 Tim took me out on the Mississippi River to see his duck blind, which was under construction. Duck season is drawing near.Day 6, Monday (Labor Day), was an off day for riding. Tim took me fishing in a local farm pond where we both caught a small bass. Then I watched Tim pull out some unwanted bushes with his tractor. We also cut down an evergreen tree and hauled it to Tim's ranch. Tim would later cut branches off the tree to commouflage his duck blind. It was a fun relaxing day with friends who also happen to be relatives.

On day 7 we rode away from Montrose, IA just before 10:00 am. It was mostly cloudy and 68 degrees. We rode west on Lee County Road J62 to Hwy 27 south into Missouri, to Hwy 136 west, to Hwy 63 south (at Lancaster, MO), to Hwy 6 west (at Kirksville, MO), to Hwy 13 south (at Gallatin, MO), to Hwy 10 west (at Richmond, MO), to Hwy 69 south (at Excelsior Springs, MO), to Hwy 152 west (at Liberty, MO), to Kansas City, Missouri where we visited our two grandchildren. Then we rode on home to Shawnee, arriving at about 5:30 pm with 325 miles on the trip meter.

The high for the day was 79 degrees. We had lunch at the Corner Café on the square in Gallatin, MO. We ran into light rain briefly around Richmond, MO and again on the way home from visiting the grandchildren. Other than that it was a perfect day for riding.

For pictures from these days click on the following link:



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