Carlsbad Caverns Ride; Day 9; April 24th

Chris and I fully anticipated riding in the rain today.  This was based on weather reports from the past two days.  When we woke up in Great Bend, KS it was mostly cloudy and cool but as the morning progressed blue clear skies invaded from the south.

We departed Great Bend at 9:30 am.  It was 50 degrees under blue clear skies.  We rode home via Hwys 56, 156 and I-70.  As we rode north towards I-70 we watched the blue clear skies push the dark clouds north.  We were under clear to mostly clear skies all day.  What a great surprise!

We took a break at a rest area on I-70 between Abilene and Junction City and we gassed up and had lunch at the Maple Hill exit off of I-70.  We arrived home at 2:15 pm.  The high temperature of the day was 61.  We rode 258 miles.  No pictures were taken today.

Another trip is over.  We rode 2,400 miles and had a fantastic time – looking forward to the next one.


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