Elephant Rocks State Park; Day 4

We really got around early this morning.  We were on the road by 8:15 and four blocks down the road we stopped at McDonalds for breakfast.  It was cloudy and it had rained in the night in places (roads were still wet) but it was a warm 64 degrees.

From Mackie D’s we rode a few miles north to Elephant Rocks State Park and enjoyed a walk around and on the granite.Elephant Rocks State Park

We hit the road for home, Hwy 21 north to Potosi, Hwy 8 west to St. James, and Hwy’s 68 and 63 north to Jefferson City, MO.  In Jefferson City we enjoyed lunch at Longhorn and got to watch a little bit of the K-State vs Southern Mississippi NCAA basketball game on the tube.  Then it was Hwy 50 on home.  We listened to the last third of the K-State game on the radio and were quite pleased the Wildcats won.

When we arrived home we saw that our magnolia bush had blossomed like the bushes we saw in Arkansas and one of our trees was nearly leafed out.tree at home

We rode 315 miles today. Our high temperature was 79. It was mostly cloudy but we had periods of time when we could see blue clear skies. And best of all – it NEVER rained on us.  GREAT RIDE!

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/ElephantRocksDay4?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCLes15OGvrPA4wE&feat=directlink


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