KS MO AR OK; Day 1

In a recent issue of Road Runner magazine I read an article titled that described a ride near the borders of  Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma (http://www.roadrunner.travel/magazine/read/march-april-2012/page/22).  Chris and I decided to ride that area and hit some of the places described in the article.

We left home at 9:15 on Monday, April 23rd, under blue clear skies with a temperature of 48 degrees.  We rode I-35 south to Hwy 169 which took us all the way to Coffeyville, Kansas.Hwy 169 headed toward Coffeyville

It was 60 degrees when we arrived in Coffeyville around noon.  We enjoyed a tasty lunch at the Tavern on the Plaza in the old part of Coffeyville. The building was originally built in 1872.

Acting on a tip from a friend, Rod, we took a tour of the Brown Mansion. The place was pretty cool but it definitely needs some TLC. http://www.kansastravel.org/brownmansion.htmBrown Mansion; Coffeyville, KS

After checking in at the Sleep Inn & Suites we took a walking tour of the historic places in Coffeyville.

On October 5, 1892, the Dalton Gang, consisting of three Dalton brothers and one or two others, attempted to rob 2 banks in Coffeyville.  A band of citizens armed themselves and intervened.  A short running gun battle ensued on the streets.  When it was over four of the Dalton gang and four citizens were dead.

The City of Coffeyville created the Dalton Defenders Museum to honor the sacrifice of the four citizens killed in the fray.  Our tour included the museum, Isham’s Hardware Store (the oldest hardware store in Kansas), Condon BankCondon Bank; robbed by Dalton gang (one of the banks robbed), Death Alley (where most of the gun battle took place), and the old city jail at the end of Death Alley.  It was an interesting tour.

We then rode about 15 to 20 miles west and slightly north to Little House on the Prairie, where somebody created a replica of a log cabin similar to the one used by the Ingalls family as described by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  It was a pleasant ride but the destination was rather blah.Little House on the Prairie

When we arrived back in Coffeyville we had an ice cream treat at Braum’s before retiring to the motel.

It was a great day.  We rode 215 miles and the high temperature was 68.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/KSMOAROKDay1?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCJfq3ffFh4OWgQE&feat=directlink


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