KS MO AR OK; Day 2

We departed our motel at 9:15 and rode to the Elmwood Cemetery in Coffeyville. Two of the Dalton brothers, another robber, and a couple of the Dalton defenders were buried here.  The cemetery is not too far from the Brown Mansion.Elmwood Cemetery; Coffeyville, KSThe grave of Bob Dalton, Grat Dalton, and Bill Power was marked only with a hitching rail from Death Alley (where their horses had been tied) until Emmett Dalton was paroled from prison and he had the stone placed here.

We rode out of Coffeyville at 9:40 east on Hwy 166 into Missouri, to I-44 eastbound, to Hwy 71 south, and then a county road of some sort east to the George Washington Carver National Monument.  I had planned to visit Devil’s Den State Park in northwest Arkansas but we decided to hit the Carver National Monument instead.DSCN4879aThis was a rewarding and enjoyable visit.  We watched a 20 minute video on the life and times of George Washington Carver and walked a trail around the park, which is the area where Carver spent his youth.  GWC was an amazing man.  He was born a slave but he became a world renowned scientist.  If you are ever in the area this is worth a look.  http://www.nps.gov/gwca/index.htm

I had been by the turn off (from Hwy 59) for the George Washington Carver National Monument numerous times while traveling to and from Holiday Island to visit Mel & Rosie.  I never took the time to stop but now I can say I’ve been there.

We rode a short distance east to Hwy 59 and then south to Neosho, MO, where we had a late lunch at Papa Dwayne’s Family Restaurant.  We both enjoyed the meat loaf special followed by a piece of layered peanut butter chocolate pie.  LARRAPING good.

Hwy 59 took us south to Noel, MO.  In this area the highway parallels the Elk River and runs by and under some rock bluffs.Hwy 59 north of Noel, MOIt was a fun ride.  We rode back north past this area again so we could do it all over again.  This explains why in some of our pictures the rock bluffs are on the right and in others they are on the left.

We stayed on Hwy 59 all the way to Van Buren, Arkansas, where we holed up for the night in the Comfort Inn at 5:15.  Hwy 59 between Noel, MO and Van Buren, AR is scenic with some good twisties, but the road is rough in places.Hwy 59 north of Van Buren, AR

We rode 235 miles in fantastic weather.  The high temperature today was 81.

For more photos from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/KSMOAROKDay2?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCNzIvcvU5YyncA&feat=directlink


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