Kentucky Ride; Day 6

At 9:00 we were leaving our motel in Winchester, KY.  It was 55 under blue clear skies.  We rode around 100 miles south to Cumberland Falls State Resort Park.  On the way, along Hwy 627, we passed a black barn.  Black barns (sometimes with red roofs and doors) and black fences are common in this area of Kentucky, especially around the horse farms.DSCN0311a

Hwy 90 runs east and west between Hwy 25W and 27 just west of Interstate 75.  This was a beautiful ride with twisties and brightly colored trees.  Our best road yet on this trip.

The Cumberland Falls State Resort Park is also located on Hwy 90.  It is a very pretty place.  The look-outs and a walk along the Cumberland River below the falls revealed some wonderful scenery.Cumberland Falls

The Dupont Lodge provided us another buffet lunch that included parmesan encrusted tilapia.  It was good chow.  While eating we had a view of the Cumberland River valley.  After eating, a couple young raccoons showed up outside our window.  They were eating bird seed that had fallen from bird feeders.raccoons outside our window in the Dupont Lodge

After lunch we rode north and west to the area of Somerset and then west to Hopkinsville, KY.  Along the way we stopped for gas at Edmonton, KY and we rode past a large pumpkin field.pumpkin match (foreground)

We stopped for the night at a Best Western in Hopkinsville.  We rode 360 miles today but 24 of them were unproductive because Stupid took a wrong turn and didn’t figure it out for 12 miles.  The high temperature today was 77.

For more pictures from today click on the following link:


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