Texas Tour; Day 2

We departed south from Durant at 8:50 am under blue skies with a temperature of 61.  Our first stop was for gas at Ennis, TX.DSCN0204

Along the way we saw many blue bonnets and other wild flowers blooming in the right-of-way and fields.blue bonnets

We drove through Dallas and were very glad it was Sunday rather than a workday.  As we were riding south on Interstate 45 Chris took a little siesta.  She wrapped her legs around me, rested her feet on my thighs, leaned back and shut her eyes (she claims she doesn’t really sleep).  As a BMW Mini-Cooper was slowly passing us the young lady in the passenger seat was grinning real big (maybe chuckling) and pointing at Chris.  As they pulled away she waved goodbye.  I don’t think she’d ever seen anybody sleep on a motorcycle before.

We stopped at an I-45 rest area just north of Huntsville and had a picnic lunch.  Texas knows how to do rest areas – they are very nice.  Besides the restrooms, this one had a pond, wildflowers, a picnic area and more.  You can’t see the highway from the rest area.at a Texas rest area

There were two other Goldwings parked at this rest area.  One was a black 2012 that was all decked out with chrome and strip lighting.  It was also pulling a trailer.  It looked SWEET!at a Texas rest area

It was obvious we were in Texas.  While we were eating our picnic lunch we could hear gunfire in the distance.  There was either a gun range nearby or a shoot-out in progress.

We gassed up in Huntsville and rode through Houston to Rosenberg.  Traffic in Houston was terrible and this was a Sunday.  Would NOT want to drive here everyday for work.traffic in Houston, TX

We arrived at Don and Catherine’s at 3:40 pm.  It was a very warm 84 degrees.  Don gave us a tour of his new garden and we enjoyed visiting with he and his family.  They have two yellow crested night herons roosting in their trees.  They are big (about 20 lbs) birds.yellow crested night herons

We had a great day and rode 380 miles.  Tomorrow Don is driving us to Galveston to stroll on the beach.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/104542123131082631220/TexasTourDay2041413?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCImh3JGAs4T1igE&feat=directlink


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