Texas Tour; Day 3

Today we were not on our motorcycle.  Don (brother) and Jeffrey (nephew) took us to Galveston to spend some time on the beach.  It was a cloudy morning but the temperature was very nice.  We then went to the University of Houston where we had lunch with Caitlyn, Jeffrey’s fiancé.  Jeffery stayed at the University while Don, Chris and I went to old downtown Rosenberg to see where Rob (nephew) works.  I was impressed by how big and nice his office was, especially for someone so new into the work force.

For photos from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/104542123131082631220/Galveston041513?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCJWWrYuJ2PDCyQE&feat=directlink


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