Texas Tour; Day 7

This morning was another chilly one so we were in no hurry to leave.  We rode away northbound from Wichita Falls, TX at 9:25 am.  It was mostly sunny and 46 degrees.

We exited I-44 just north of Lawton, OK and rode west towards the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (WMWR) on Hwy 49.  It was a pretty ride.Hwy 49 headed towards Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge (WMWR)

Signs in the wildlife refuge warn that bison and longhorn steers roam wild and they are dangerous.  The first animal to greet us in the park was this beauty.Wildlife along Hwy 49 in WMWR

We stopped at the nice visitor center and checked out all the stuffed animals on exhibit.  We rode to Lost Lake inside the WMWR, where we hiked and climbed around on the rocks.Chris at spillway of Lost Lake; WMWR

On the way out we saw a bison along the road and later we saw a whole bunch of prairie dogs in a field by the road.  My expert backseat photographer was able to snap a photo of one, which was no easy task the way they darted around.

We decided to check out Holy City, which is located inside the WMWR.  It was an interesting place to walk around.  The photos will show you what it was all about.

Mt. Scott, also located in the WMWR, is about 2,500 feet high and has a road winding to the summit.  We rode to the top and took a few pics.view from summit of Mount Scott; WMWR

What a good time!  It was 2:30 and we had to be on our way.  After gassing up and a lunch at Booger King we were eastbound on I-44, through Oklahoma City, and north on I-35 to Guthrie.  From Guthrie we rode east to our destination, the Best Western in Cushing, OK.

A great time today.  We rode 280 miles under blue clear skies and our high temperature was 66.  LIFE IS GOOD!

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/104542123131082631220/TexasTourDay7041913?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCN_ynbrhk_ivBg&feat=directlink


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