Fall Foliage Ride 2013; Day 2

Monday; October 21, 2013

When we woke up this morning it was 43 degrees in Salem, MO.  We were not in a hurry, however, so we showered and  had a good breakfast (the cinnamon rolls are LARRAPIN good) before taking off at 9:20 am.  By then it was cloudy and 50.  Our cold weather gear, heated grips and heated seat had us nice and toasty as we rode east towards Elephant Rocks State Park.Hwy 72 eastboundThe fall foliage along Highways 72 and 32 was very pretty in places.  It probably would have been more dramatic had the sun been shining.

We arrived at Elephant Rocks State Park at about 10:30.  We’ve been to this park numerous times but we still enjoy it.  There is a very nice paved hiking path plus access to the large rocks where you can climb and explore to your heart’s content.  Years ago folks used to quarry granite here, evidenced by the drilling marks found on many rocks in the park.  Some day we’d like to bring our grandkids.  http://www.mostateparks.com/park/elephant-rocks-state-parkElephant Rocks State Park

It was around noon when we left Elephant Rocks so we decided to eat lunch at the Fort Davidson Restaurant in nearby Pilot Knob, MO.  I wasn’t real hungry so I ordered a cup of chili and an appetizer of potato skins.  The menu said they were “fully loaded” with cheese, bacon and onion.  Sounded good.  Well, the chili was good but the tater skins . . . . not bueno.  The cheese was like cheese whiz and the bacon was baco-bits.  It was OK but not what I envisioned.  Chris ordered the meat loaf special and it looked real good.  One should always order the special.

We then rode county road N (a pretty ride) west 13 miles to Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park (http://www.mostateparks.com/park/johnsons-shut-ins-state-park).Johnson's Shut-Ins State ParkThis is another park we return to when we are in the area.  The east fork of the Black River flows through the shut-ins which results in pools of water and numerous little water falls.  It is very busy in the summer with people enjoying the cool water.

We rode on back to Salem.  The temperature had reached 61 when we arrived at Johnson’s Shut-Ins but it was 59 when we left.  On the way to Salem we rode in and out of very light rain, which caused the temperature to drop as low as 54.  We arrived back at the Holiday Inn Express at 4:00.

Despite the cool temps it was a beautiful day of riding (148 miles).  Plus the cool temps were great for walking and climbing.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/5937366955939085985?authkey=CIvulLW38djvIw


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