Fall Foliage Ride 2013; Day 6

Friday; October 25, 2013

It was brrr cold when we woke up this morning – 33 degrees.  After a very good complimentary breakfast at the Comfort Inn we departed at 10:30 and it was 46.  We rode west through Gateway and Pea Ridge to Bella Vista, AR before turning north.  After a stop south of Joplin for gas we rode north and west through Webb City on 171 to Hwy 69 and north to Ft. Scott, KS for lunch at the Nu Grille Restaurant.  http://kansastravel.org/nugrille.htmDSCN2936The late lunch was LARRAPIN good.

From Ft. Scott we rode on home arriving around 4:00.  We rode 253 miles today under blue clear skies and our high temperature was 59.



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