Fall Foliage Ride 2013; Day 3

Tuesday; October 22, 2013

BRRRRR . . . . it was a nippy 34 degrees when we woke up at 7:00 this morning in Salem, MO.  So we waited to depart at 9:55 when it was a balmy 48.

We rode south through Eminence and Winona to Thayer, MO, where we stopped for gas and a butt break.  Speaking about butts . . . . . this heated seat is nice.  When my butt is warm most of my body is warm.  It was mostly cloudy when we started but by the time we reached Thayer the sun was shining bright.gas and butt break; Thayer, MO 

With a full tank of petrol we took off south to Mammoth Springs, AR and then west through Salem to Mountain Home, where we stopped for lunch at the El Chico Café.  It was good chow.  While there, I noticed that the ball of my trailer hitch was loose.loose ball on my trailer hitch - could have been BADIt’s a good thing I noticed.  Otherwise I could have lost my new trailer somewhere down the road.

With a tight ball (????) we rode west through Yellville to Hwy 65, then to Hwy 206 and south through Pruitt and Jasper to the Buffalo River Canyon scenic overlook, where we took a few pictures.  It was beautiful, but the colors we could see with our eyeballs didn’t show up as well in the pictures.DSCN2822a

We finished our day’s ride southbound into Clarksville, AR, where we stopped at the Quality Inn at about 5:30.  A great day of scenic riding; 303 miles.  The high for the day was 70 degrees.

Tomorrow we head to Magazine Mountain!

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/5937744255253990321?authkey=CKiaguTInYTcZg


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