Glacier NP & Canada; Day 2

We pulled away from our motel in Kearney, NE at 8:00 under cloudy skies.  Highway 10 took us north to Hwy 2.  Just before reaching 2 we saw this along the highway, obviously made for family use.  His and hers on top with one for the youngster down below.  It even has a TV for entertainment.
rural Nebraska humor
We followed 2 northwest before we jumped on Hwy 183 northbound.  183 was another pretty ride.  Both Chris and I thought it offered better scenery than Highway 2, which was designated a scenic route in my atlas.  The road was mostly straight but it was up and down over many hills.  The land would change back and forth from corn and bean crops to grazing cattle with an occasional wooded area thrown in.  We enjoyed it but I did not take too many photos because the camera I use for moving photos does better with sunlight.  Here is one taken south of Bassett, NE.

We stopped in Bassett, NE for gas and a butt break (we'd ridden nearly 150 miles).  Shortly after leaving Bassett, headed west, the sun came out.  We continued west and north on 183 into South Dakota.

Highways 49, 47 and 34 took us into Pierre.  Along the way the time for lunch came and went with no place to eat.  I thought there would be something in Reliance on I-90, but no such luck.  Highway 47 crosses the Big Bend Dam, which dams up the Missouri River creating Lake Sharpe.  Fort Thompson is just north of the dam and I thought there would be food there but no such luck.  We rode all the way into Pierre on 34, which paralleled Lake Sharpe and the Missouri River . . . 
arriving at 2:10.  We stopped for lunch at the first place we saw, Big Tom's Diner.  It was very good.

Before checking into our motel, we rode past the state capitol building in Pierre.

We had another great day of riding, covering 337miles.  Our high temperature was 89 and the Goldwing rolled over 59,000 miles early today.  It is raining here in Pierre as I complete this blog and rain is forecast for our ride tomorrow, along with a high temperature of 59 in parts of North Dakota. Tomorrow could be interesting (and short on mileage if Chris has her way)!

If you'd like to check out all the photos taken today click on the following link:  Pics day 2


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