Montana & Canada; Day 9

We awoke this morning in our lodging at the Riverstone Family Lodge (Eureka, MT: ) to find wild turkeys in our back yard. I've never seen this many in one place.

Today is the 8th birthday for our grandson, Jack.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!

Back on day 6 of this trip we decided not to venture into Glacier National Park because of the weather forecast, which was cold and rain. Instead we rode north into Canada and to Banff National Park. Our plan was to hit Glacier NP today, but, again, the weather forecast scared us off. We were not anxious to experience the rain changing to snow and the sub-zero temperatures. So we took off south for Helena, MT. If you've been following this blog you'll notice that the title of this post was changed to reflect the removal of Glacier NP from our itinerary.

We departed at 8:40 when it was 57 degrees. Highway 93 took us south through Eureka and Kalispell and along the way the temperature dropped briefly to 52. Highway 82 took us towards the mountains -
to Highway 83 south.

Highway 83 was a beautiful ride along Swan Lake,

the Swan River, Lindbergh Lake, Lake Inez, Seeley Lake, the Clearwater River and Salmon Lake. Salmon Lake had a couple islands with houses on them.

In the town of Swan Lake, going about 40 mph, we encountered a deer at the edge of the road. It came within 20 feet of us.

Our first stop of the day, after 137 miles, was at the Salmon Valley Centre along 83. It featured an old time phone booth with a can and string inside for a phone. Chris scored a few greeting cards and I scored some cereal malt beverage for later.
While we were preparing to leave a deer wandered into the area south of the store.

We stopped for gas and lunch in Seeley Lake. Also at the gas station was another couple on a Goldwing. Chris talked to her and found out they were from Switzerland. They rented the Wing in Seattle and were doing some traveling. While riding through town a deer ran across the road well ahead of us.

Much of the route thus far traversed forest land.

From 83, highways 200, 141 and 12 took us to Helena. Along 141 we saw several deer way off in a field. It was a day for deer. Highway 12 goes over MacDonald Pass, where the temperature dropped to 54 (from 64) and a light sprinkle started that lasted the rest of the way to Helena (about 15 miles).

Today is the 15th anniversary of the attack on the New York Trade Center and the Pentagon and the airliner crash in Pennsylvania. Along our route today we saw three different tributes to the Americans who lost their lives that day. At the south border of Eureka a fire truck had its ladder extended and it was flying a large U.S. flag over the highway. At one of the small towns on 93 between Eureka and Kalispell a small (probably volunteer) fire department and their trucks, with red lights going, were on one side of the highway with what appeared to be a small group of family or town members on the other side of the highway. The firemen were standing in a line with their helmets held over their hearts. In Helena there was a large U.S. flag flying at half mast.

To see all the pictures we took today click on the following link:
Day 9 pics


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