Montana & Canada; Day 14

We watched Carl take off westbound at about 7:40 this morning. Chris and I did not leave until 9:10. It was 59 degrees and sunny but the sun did not last long. A short distance east the blue skies were gone.

As we entered Cawker City, KS there were a bunch of old junk cars and trucks lined up in a lot at the edge of town. I had to take some pictures.
And, of course, Cawker City is home to the world's largest ball of sisal twine.

Next stop was Beloit, KS, a place near and dear to our near and dear neighbor, Beth.

Leonardville, KS is home to Nelson's Landing, a restaurant run by family of Jordy Nelson, former K-State football player and current Green Bay Packer. It was a cool place to visit and they had LARRAPIN good food too.

We stopped on the campus of Kansas State University to do some walking. It was an adventure parking in the new parking garage south of the student union. As we pulled up to grab a ticket and enter the garage a woman came running out telling us we could not park there because we didn't have at least 3 wheels on our motorcycle. They have designated parking for motorcycles but they would not handle our rig with the trailer. She asked us to exit the line and wait at the curb while she figured out where to have us park. A gentleman came out and finally told us we could park in the garage but he was worried our rig would be too long for the parking stalls but, of course, it wasn't. As we entered, the gate started to drop too soon making me duck for fear of getting hit on the head. When we left, the same lady was worried about the gate dropping too early so she took our ticket and said she'd manually raise and lower the gate. She put the ticket in her machine that would tell how much we owed. She said it ate the ticket. In the end she let us go without paying anything.

Highway 24 took us east to Topeka, where we drove by the capitol for our third state capitol picture of the trip.
We hopped on I-70 to Kansas City and I-435 to Shawnee - HOME SWEET HOME!

Our ride today was 331 miles making a grand total of 3,862 miles for our 14 day trip. Our high temperature today was 72.

To see all the pics taken today click on the following link:
Day 14 pics


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