Anniversary Trip; Day 1

We departed today on a trip to celebrate our 44th anniversary. Chris knew we were going somewhere for a few days but she did not know where. It was a big surprise! I planned it all and was hoping she would enjoy it.

At 12:20 we departed home, stopped for lunch at Chick-fil-A in Overland Park and then in Olathe on the south side of Olathe Lake for a pic of the waterfall.

The next stop was Osawatomie, KS for a pic of a Marsh arch triple span bridge over the Marais Des Cygnes River built in 1930.

After some necessary shopping in Osawatomie (a brush for Chris and some worms for me) we took off for Pleasanton, KS and before long we arrived at our lodging for the next three nights, the Cedar Crest Lodge (CCLodge), located in the country up on a hill. We enjoyed a delicious dinner, a stroll around the property and rocking on the front porch. Tomorrow we celebrate our actual anniversary, 44 years of marital bliss.

To see all the pics taken today click on the following link: Day 1


kcohioan said…
Excellent blog post and Day 1 pics! What a fun destination! Look forward to seeing more of your adventure. Happy #44!

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