Pacific Northwest; Day 19 - The END

Today was interstate highway 70 day, all the way home. When we left Colby, KS it was 49 degrees with rain and it rained most of the way to Salina. At times the rain was quite heavy and we experienced some hydroplaning a few times, which caused a little puckering of the sphincter. Chris took this iPhone picture out the windshield immediately after a swipe of the windshield wipers. This was pretty much our view all the way to Salina.

Along the way the Fusion rolled over 58,000 miles. The average miles per gallon of the Fusion were always above 33 and the best it ever showed was 33.9. We really thought it would pop up to 34 the day before, but it never did.

Chris really wanted a baked potato from Wendy's for lunch but no Wendy's appeared on the exit signs around Topeka so we settled for McDonald's at one of the turnpike rest areas.

We arrived home at 2:10, where it was 88 degrees. We drove 367 miles today, which made for total trip mileage of 5,131. It was a fantastic trip with plenty of great scenery and lots of time with my sweetie-pie. Life is good!


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