Kansas Waterfall Tour; Day 1

Chris and I are headed out on a Kansas waterfall tour. The information on the waterfalls came from Facebook. We left home at 7:30. It was sunny and 58 degrees. Today was Molly's and Piper's birthdays so Chris texted them happy birthday wishes as I piloted Poonie.

Interstate 70 took us westbound out of the Kansas City area all the way to Junction City, where we turned south on Highway 77. A nasty, dusty, gravel road took us west to the dam portion of Geary State Fishing Lake. Geary Falls was located near the west end of the dam.
at the top of Geary Falls, Geary County State Fishing Lake

Geary Falls

From Geary Falls we drove south on Hwy 77 to Hwy 50 eastbound to Newton, KS. In Newton we stopped to wash the dust off of Poonie. We were headed to Hesston, KS for lunch with my cousin, Janice (Schechter) Rhodes and her hubby, Gary (aka Moose). When I was in high school Janice was teaching elementary school nearby. At that time she owned a pea green colored Ford Mustang, which she let me drive. Since that time I wanted a Mustang. Fifty years later I have one. We enjoyed lunch, visiting with Janice and Gary, and a short tour of Hesston.

With full bellies from a very good lunch at Water's Edge we were off for the Chase State Fishing Lake. Prather Creek Falls is located at the spillway of the lake. It was a multi-tiered waterfall that was very pretty. To get there, however, we traveled more nasty, dusty gravel road so Poonie was dusty again.
Prather Creek Falls at Chase County State Fishing Lake
We drove east a short distance to Cottonwood Falls, KS. After checking into the Millstream Resort Motel at 4:45 we walked down to see Cottonwood Falls. It wasn't running nearly as strong as we've seen before.
Cottonwood Falls
We drove 279 miles today and our high temperature was 85 degrees. There was a lot of prairie burn going on today so it was smokey much of today. You can see the smoke in the pictures at Cottonwood Falls.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Today's Photos


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