Kansas Waterfall Tour; Day 2

Our day started at 8:30 as we departed our motel. It was mostly sunny and 66 degrees. We drove north a very short distance to Strong City, KS, where we enjoyed a large larrapin good breakfast at the Chuck Wagon Cafe.

Back southbound on Hwy 177, one of my favorite drives through the Flint Hills. Some of the hills had been recently burned. Some were starting to show new grass growth. We stopped several times on our way to Cassoday to take photos.

Hwy 54 took us west to Santa Fe Lake located between Augusta and Andover. This is a private lake as we found out when we were taking photos of the waterfall in the spillway. A nice young man drove up on a golf cart and told me my choice was to pay $7 to access the lake area or get a parking ticket that would cost $100. I opted for the $7 fee.

After a short walk on the trails below the Santa Fe Lake falls we were back on the road, Hwy 77 south from Augusta to Arkansas City, where we stopped for lunch at Daisy Mae's Cafe. Then it was Hwy 166 east to the Cowley State Fishing Lake and Cowley Falls. These were the most impressive falls of the trip.
It would be an embellishment to call it a trail from the parking area to the bottom of the falls. Plus, the route was lousy with broken glass and other litter. It was a very steep route over rocky terrain. People are pigs.

We finished off our drive eastbound on 166 into Coffeyville, where we stopped for the day at 4:15. It was 86 degrees. We drove 223 miles today and the Poonie thermometer registered a high temperature of 91. A dip in the hotel pool followed by a stint in the hot tub before calling it a day felt nice.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Todays Photos


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