AZ / UT Day 9; Garden City to Shawnee

Our last day of this trip. Happy to be home for a few days. It was 65 degrees with rain when we drove out of Garden City. Our route was Highway 50 east to Newton, E 1st Street east, which turns into NW 150th Street to Cassoday, 177 north through the Flint Hills, 50 east (again) to Emporia (lunch at Freddy's) and then I-35 north to home. Our final day covered 396 miles.

Highlights of the trip were the gigantic wind farm around Spearville,

Mel with his top up and his convertible top down,

and the Flint Hills along Hwy 177.

Click HERE to see the few photos taken today.

Our total trip mileage was 2,966. Poonie averaged 24.7 mpg.


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