IA / IL Convertibe Trip; Day 5; West Des Moines to Shawnee

Gary and Allison were spending a couple more days with Julia so Chris and I were on our own for this last leg of the trip. We left West Des Moines at 9:45. It was a beautiful sunny day at 68 degrees. Our route for the day was 169 south, I-29 south, I-435 south to Shawnee.

A short distance down 169 we stopped in Winterset, IA, birthplace of John Wayne. We did not visit the John Wayne Museum this time but we visited a city park with one of the covered bridges of Madison County.

Also in the park, we hiked two miles (round trip) to Clark tower, which was erected in memory of Caleb and Ruth Clark, pioneer settlers of Madison County.

By this time we were hungry and it was lunch time so we enjoyed a lunch at the historic Northside Cafe, where part of the movie "Bridges of Madison County" was filmed.

Our trip today covered 229 miles with a high temperature of 82 degrees.

Click HERE for today's photos.

It was a great convertible trip of 1,142 miles visiting family and friends.


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