IA / IL Convertible Trip; Day 2; Ft Madison to Moline

It was a warm 78 degrees and sunny when we left Ft Madison at 9:30. Our route was 61 south past Montrose to Keokuk, 136 across the Mississippi River into Illinois, 96 north (the Great River Road), 400 north, 1900 east, 700 north, 116 east, 67 north to Moline.

Highway 96, which goes north from Hamilton, IL to Nauvoo, follows the Mississippi River and is a beautiful drive.
Gary and Allison enjoying the top-down drive along the Mississippi

In Nauvoo we stopped just long enough to take a photo of the Mormon temple.

We stayed at a very nice hotel in downtown Moline, IL. We (Chris especially) enjoyed a visit with her Aunt Mary.

That evening we were treated to a Mexican dinner with Aunt Mary, Dan, cousins Amy and Mike, Dawn, Collette and Gary.

Today we drove 170 miles.

Click HERE to view all the photos taken today.


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