Coronavirus Tour; Day 9

Our departure from Branson was delayed due to cold temperatures. It was sunny and 34 when we finally left at 9:30. Our route home was the quickest and most direct, 65 north, I-44 west, 13 north, 7 northwest, and I-49 north to the Kansas City area. We stopped once for gas and to use the facilities. Chris and I arrived home at 1:15 having traveled 220 miles. Our high temperature today was 44.

No photos were taken today.

It was a great trip and, as always we enjoyed traveling with Carl and Marge. Our total trip mileage was 1,840. We traveled through Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas.

Since we've been traveling, and to be responsible citizens during this Coronavirus pandemic, we will limit contact with other people for two weeks, as much as that is possible. After all, we do have to buy groceries and other necessities. Hopefully we won't develop any symptoms of the Coronavirus during that time.


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