Pictured Rocks Michigan; Day 1; Friday 8/19/2011

We met Mel & Trisha at a Quick Trip in Shawnee at 12:45 and departed for the upper peninsula of Michigan.  We were all ready for another motorcycle trip.Chris @ Shawnee QTIt was 84 degrees under blue clear skies with no wind.  Gary and Margie were to accompany us on this trip but they had to cancel at the last minute . . . . . what a pisser!

We rode north on I-35 to Des Moines, IA, east and north on I-235 through Des Moines, east on I-80, north on Hwy 21, and east on Hwy 6 to the Amana Colonies.  We got gas and took breaks in Bethany, MO and Colfax, IA.

We had dinner at The Ronneburg Restaurant in Amana, IA.Amana, IATheir specialty is German food and it was very good.  It originally existed as a communal kitchen in the original Amana Colonies but in 1950 it became a restaurant.  You can read more about it at http://ronneburgrestaurant.com/.

After dinner we rode north on Hwy 151 to Cedar Rapids, IA where we bunked down for the night at the Super 8 Motel.

Today we rode 340 miles.  The high temp was 88.  It was a great day for riding, even though most of it was on interstate.  For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/PicturedRocksMichiganDay1?authuser=0&feat=directlink


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