Pictured Rocks Michigan; Day 8; Friday 8/26/2011

When we rode away from Bradley, IL at 8:30 it was sunny and 70 degrees.  The outlook for today was for another great day of riding.

We rode west and had lunch at Happy Joe’s in Galesburg, IL.  Mel and Trisha wanted to eat at Happy Joe’s one more time before returning home, where Happy Joe’s does not exist.lunch in Galesburg, IL

We continued west and then turned south just short of the Mississippi River.  We crossed the Mississippi into Fort Madison, IA.Mississippi River

We rode south on Hwy 61 to Deb and Tim’s.  Deb is Chris’ cousin and very good friend.  Mel and Trisha had the privilege of meeting Deb, Tim, Myrna (Chris’ aunt) and Stub (Myrna’s husband).introducing Mel & Trisha to Deb, Tim, Myrt, and Stub; near Montrose, IA

After the brief family reunion we rode south to Montrose, IA where we picked up the River Road between Montrose and Keokuk, IA.

At Keokuk we checked into the Fairfield Inn before returning to Montrose to experience the Watermelon Festival.  The watermelon was larrapin good!Myrna, Mel, & Trisha chowing down on some watermelon

Mel, Trisha, Chris, and I returned to Keokuk where we enjoyed a swim in the hotel pool.

After our swim we said our good-byes.  Mel and Trisha had to be home by Saturday so Mel could go to work at the butt crack of dawn on Sunday.  Chris and I will spend two nights in Keokuk, visit with family, and return home on Sunday.  Since Mel and Trisha would be leaving early tomorrow Chris and I opted NOT to wake up to see them off.

It was another great day for riding, though the warmer weather was back.  The high today was 90.  We rode a total of 275 miles.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/goldwinger.shawnee/PicturedRocksMichiganDay8?authuser=0&feat=directlink


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