Texas 2015; Day 12

No rain this morning!  We felt very fortunate.  It was mostly cloudy and 72 degrees when rode out of Kerrville, TX at 8:30.heading north on 16 out of Kerrville, TXToday we were riding north on Hwy 16 with a destination of Graham, TX.

Our first stop of the day was at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area just off Hwy 16 north of Fredericksburg.  It is a pretty area.  We did some hiking around, took some pictures and I climbed to the top.half way up Enchanted Rock

Continuing north on 16 we stopped for lunch at CJ’s Diner on the square in Comanche, TX.  After lunch Chris and Marge did some shopping at local shops.

We kept expecting to run into remnants of Tropical Storm Bill and around 3:00 near Desdemona we finally found it.  We stopped to put on rain suits and continued on.  It was threatening rain or raining lightly most of the way to Graham.

We rode 267 miles today and our high temperature was only 84.  We saw some more flooding and a lot of high water.

When parking my motorcycle at the motel I noticed that I had no trailer lights.  After a phone call to good friend Gary I found the fuse to the trailer wiring.  It did not appear to be burned out but when I replaced it the trailer lights worked.  I put everything back together and when I sat on the bike the trailer lights went out.  Carl got it figured out that there was a problem with the wiring plug.  I was able to take it apart and found loose wires.working on an electrical problemAfter tightening them the lights seemed to be working.  Later I realized the left turn signal lights were not working.  I’m sure it is a problem with the plug but I’ll work more on that later.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: (https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6161543694597248417?authkey=CKrjl6GXkLCNdg)


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