Texas 2015; Day 9

Twas a wet rainy day.  When we departed for the Alamo at 9:30 it was 77 degrees and cloudy but the rain had not yet come.  We rode downtown and found parking near the Alamo.AlamoThe tour (self-guided) of the Alamo was interesting but before we were done heavy rain arrived.  For awhile we stayed dry under a room on Alamo grounds.  Between the four of us we had one umbrella (Chris, of course, was the prepared one.)  Chris and Marge used the umbrella to go to the gift shop and to use the restroom.  Due to all the standing water their feet got soaked.  When the rain slowed down a bit, Carl and I joined them.

After awhile the rain stopped and we walked down to the River Walk.Riverwalk; San AntonioWe decided we wanted to take a boat tour of the downtown river area so we purchased tickets and made our way to the boat loading spot.  While waiting there it started to rain (by now we had two umbrellas and two ponchos) so we decided to grab some grub and then try the boats later.  We ate at a sports bar with an interesting name and the burgers were good.yes he doesIt rained like billy-hell just before and during our lunch.

We walked back to the boat loading spot to find they were not yet running the boats due to more predicted rain.  We gave up, got our refund, and pressed on.  Back up top the ladies did some shopping and Carl and I found some ice cream.  It was raining lightly again.

By mid-afternoon we returned to our motorcycles, mounted up, and rode back to our motel.  The roads had standing water on them and it rained lightly.  It was 73 degrees.

We rode a total of 16 miles today.  I have no idea what the high temperature was.  Upon returning to the motel we enjoyed the hot-tub and pool before calling it a day.

Chris and I decided we are jinxed concerning the River Walk.  The last time we visited here we went to the River Walk to find out it had been drained and they were doing maintenance.  Today there was water in it but rain spoiled our chance for a boat ride.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6160350199587701473?authkey=CPr9oMnAyIm1sgE


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