Texas 2015; Day 6

Our destination today was Rosenberg, TX; home of brother Don and his family.  Don’s son, Jeffrey, is getting married tomorrow so we are going to participate in the rehearsal dinner and the wedding festivities.

We rode south and west from island to islandGulf of Mexico to the left to Freeport, TX and then north to West Columbia, TX, where we visited the Varner-Hogg Plantation.  Varner was the first owner of the property and Hogg (former Texas governor) was the last.house and kitchen on Varner-Hogg PlantationWe did a tour of the house and walked around the grounds.  Two things stick in my mind.  One, Governor Hogg was 6-3 and weighed over 300 lbs.  He made a bathtub outside to accommodate his girth, which was fed by an artesian spring.  Two, he named his poor daughter Ima Hogg.  After the governor died, however, she became rich when oil was discovered on their property.

After the Hogg house tour we had lunch at Elmo’s in West Columbia and then we rode on in to Rosenberg.  In the evening we attended the rehearsal dinner where it was good to see our family.  Below is a photo of brother Don’s sons and daughter; Jeffrey, Anna and Rob.Jeffrey, Anna & Rob

Today we rode 100 miles with a high temperature of 91 and we also had a few sprinkles fall on us.

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://plus.google.com/photos/104542123131082631220/albums/6159312279896090385?authkey=CIjqhI2v04bRzwE


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