Bill Boy's Two-Wheeled Adventure; Day 7

Today we were blessed with another beautiful day for riding. We rode out of Steamboat Springs eastbound on Highway 40 at about 8:00 after gassing up the hogs. It was 64 degrees with blue clear skies. On the way out of town there was a hot air ballon aloft.

Highway 40 was a pretty ride. A good deal of the time we were at high enough elevation that snow patches were visible. At Granby Billy Boy led us north on Highway 34 towards Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) past Lake Grandby.

RMNP was beautiful, as usual. It feels like you're on top of the world. It was very cool with a brisk breeze with quite a bit of snow on the ground.

At one of the scenic outlooks there was a large herd of elk on the mountainside above us. I tried to get a picture of them but they were far away and my point-and-shoot camera has limited capabilities.

We exited RMNP through Estes Park. We took secondary highways east and south to I-70 to avoid the Denver area. Interstate 70 took us to Limon for some gas and then into Kansas and on to Colby, where we stopped for the night.

Today we rode 438 miles of beautiful riding (well, most of it was beautiful) with a high temperature of 95.

To view all the pictures taken today click on the following link:
Day 7

Tomorrow we rocket home and I'll get to squeeze my Peach.


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