Billy Boy's Two-Wheeled Adventure; Day 8

The final day of Bill's fantastic two-wheeled tour. After checking out of our motel and gassing up in Colby, KS we were eastbound on I-70 at 7:10. It was a cool and windy 70 degrees.

We made two stops for fuel on the way home to Shawnee and one of those stops included some Baskin Robbins ice cream. Life is good.

I arrived home at 1:00. It was 91 degrees and had been for some time. We rode 368 miles today, which makes a trip total 3,475 miles. It sure was good to squeeze my Little Peach again. Life is very good!

I took some pictures of the scenery along I-70 between Colby and Shawnee. If you'd like to see them click on the following link: Final Day

A BIG THANKS to Wild Bill (Billy Boy) for planning, organizing and leading this grand tour. It was an enjoyable trip.


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