Billy Boy's Two-Wheeled Adventure; Day 5

The Fan Mountain Inn did not have a complimentary breakfast so we rode to the Ennis Cafe in downtown Ennis, MT for a very good breakfast. Bruce had cherry pie with ice cream for breakfast. Some of us were a bit jealous, but not enough to change our orders.

Billy Boy led us on a route north and west through Montana on the following Highways: Montana 287 west; 41 south; I-15 north; 43 west. It was scenic riding on all these highways but the most enjoyable was 43 between Dewey and Wisdom.
The route paralleled the Big Horn River and we saw some interesting wildlife. We spotted two bald eagles on top of power poles, one of which was sitting in a huge nest. We also saw a fox trotting down the side of the highway and an antelope right at the road's edge, which makes the old sphincter pucker.

Once in Idaho Bill led us south to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (accessed by Hwy 75) and we stopped at a scenic overlook of the Sawtooth Valley and Wilderness area.
Information posted here told us that the Salmon River, which we had been riding beside off and on, originates in this valley. Also salmon return here from the Pacific Ocean to spawn. Very cool. While we were here a chipmunk harassed us, obviously looking for food. Gary fed it some of my sunflower seeds.

We concluded our day by riding south to Jerome, ID and checking into a motel. Just north of Jerome we experienced our high temperature of the day - 95. It was HOT! We rode 486 miles today.

Too see all the pics taken today click on the following link:
Day 5


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