Quest for Warmth; Day 2

When we left Paris at 9:10 it was mostly cloudy and 30 degrees. Highways 24, 19, 287, and 488 took us south to Fairfield, TX, where we had lunch at the Something Different Restaurant. As we drove south the temperature climbed.

A short distance from the restaurant we turned south on Interstate 45, which took us all the way to Houston. The Sam Houston Tollway took us around downtown to Hwy 59 westbound, which took us to Rosenberg. Our drive today should have been 355 miles but we missed an exit at Rosenberg due to construction so our drive was probably 365 miles. The high temperature was 69 degrees.

We did experience a minor vehicle related issue in the morning. As we were driving along the low tire pressure warning lit up on the dash. I drove another 15 miles to a town before checking the tires, all of which were fine. This is a new 2018 Honda Accord with 7,000 miles on it! I re-calibrated the tire pressure monitoring system and the warning light went away. A short time later the warning light came back on. I re-calibrated again and it went off again. This time it stayed off the rest of the day.

We arrived at my brother Don's house at 3:30. Later in the evening Don cooked us up a delicious meal of salmon, chicken, and asparagus plus salad and brussel sprouts from his garden. It was LARRAPIN good! We also enjoyed catching up with Don's wife, Catherine, and their daughter, Anna.

No additional photos were taken today


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