Quest for Warmth; Day 9

We departed the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge at 8:30 under partly sunny skies with a temperature of 39. Google maps led us east on 88 a short distance to 272 north to 59 west into Oklahoma, which eventually turned north. Just north of Poteau, OK we turned onto 112 driving north and east to 271 east and Interstate 540 north and east to Fort Smith.

Chris wanted to walk so we decided to do it at the Fort Smith National Historic Site.

We walked from about 10:00 to 10:45 as the temperature changed from 45 to 48 degrees. It was very windy.

From Fort Smith we took Highway 64 north and west across the Arkansas River into Oklahoma and then 640 north to I-40 eastbound back into Arkansas. I-49 took us north to Joplin, MO and 249 took us around Joplin where we hopped on I-49 north (again) at Carthage, MO.

Just south of Nevada, MO (and Camp Clark) it was a sunny 60 degrees. I-49 took us all the way north to the Kansas City area where we arrived home in Shawnee at 4:30 to a partly sunny 40 degrees with snow piles around the neighborhood.
Our trip today covered about 375 miles.

It was an enjoyable trip and we met our objective of finding some warmth. We missed out on a snow storm at home while were gone too. Our total trip mileage was approximately 1,800 miles.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 9 Pics


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