Quest for Warmth; Day 5

The weather today wasn't nearly as nice as it was yesterday. It was misting, drizzling and foggy all day long. So we did inside tourist things here in Galveston.

We started by visiting The Bryan Museum, located in the historic Galveston Orphans Home,
which showcases a large collection of historical artifacts, documents, and artwork relating to the American west. Chris enjoyed the building and the decor. I enjoyed the numerous weapons on display. The art was also interesting. This piece reminded me of my motorcycle crash.

The original building looked like this (a photo in the museum).

A hurricane in 1900 did this to it.

We then toured the 1895 Moody Mansion. The Moody family was one of the most wealthy and influential families in Texas. It was quite a house and it is still being renovated.

We got it figured out that Galveston was having their annual Mardi Gras celebration starting tomorrow. We saw some decorations set up in the historic downtown area and some houses were already decorated. We had lunch at Fish Tales and they had some beaded necklaces hanging around. Fish Tales' shrimp kisses were LARRAPIN good. They are gulf shrimp stuffed with pepper jack cheese, wrapped in bacon and fried. An ice cream cone at McDonalds topped off the lunch experience.

After a little rest at the hotel we walked the beach again. It was foggy and 56 degrees but we enjoyed it anyway. Chris found a couple more sea shells she had to have.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 5 Pics


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