Quest for Warmth; Day 4

Don fed us a B&B type of breakfast that was LARRAPIN good. We had some omelet, bacon, pancakes, grapefruit and coffee/milk. The grapefruit was picked from Don's tree and veggies in the omelet came from Don's garden. We washed a load of laundry before packing to go. Immediately after departing Don's B&B at 10:30 (49 degrees) we went to a car wash to clean and vacuum the car.

I let Google maps lead us south to Angleton, TX. It was all secondary roads and they were too numerous to record. In Angleton I got a much needed haircut before we had lunch at Chili's. Highways 288 and 332 took us south to Surfside, TX where we caught 257 northeast along the Gulf of Mexico.

Along the way we stopped at the Kelly Hamby Nature Trail, which took us down to a beach. At first sight the beach appeared to be covered with rocks. Closer inspection revealed that it was all sea shells. So Chris had fun collecting a few.

257 turned into Seawall Boulevard when we got to Galveston and that took us right to our hotel. From our third floor balcony we had a view of the gulf with a Jimmy Johns blocking part of our view.

We took a short walk on the beach and then went to a nearby Kroger to score some ibuprofen. In and around Kroger there were birds everywhere. It reminded us of the Hitchcock movie. Birds were in the parking lot, on power lines, in trees and on cars.

After it got dark we drove to Pleasure Pier for some pictures.

We drove about 160 miles today and our high temperature was 64.

To see all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day 4 Pics


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