Florida; Day 2

We left our hotel in Waycross, GA at 7:45. It was sunny and 43 degrees. Again today I relied on Google maps to route us to Clearwater, FL without driving on Interstate highways. It was a 273 mile drive with a high temperature of 86 degrees. We took a break and a short walk in Starke, FL and then stopped for lunch at the Monkey Bar and Grill in Homosassa, FL. There were actually monkeys on an island just out from the bar/grill.

It was 73 degrees so, when we left the Monkey B&G the top came down and stayed down until we arrived at Mocassin Lake Nature Park in Clearwater, FL. We walked the nature trail and saw red tailed hawks, a bald eagle and an alligator. The birds of prey were injured and unable to survive in the wild so this place provided them a home, such as it was.

It was a short drive from the nature park to Joyce and Tom's temporary home, also in Clearwater. Chris was happy to see Joyce.

We took a walk around the housing complex and along the shore of Tampa Bay, seeing dolphins and manatees. It is a very pretty place.

Click on this link to see all photos taken today: Day2Pics


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