Headed Home; Day 2

When we left Eufaula, AL at 7:15 it was sunny and 57 degrees. Too cool for the top to be down. Highway 82 took us northwest to the area of Montgomery where we caught 80 west to Selma, Alabama.

Selma was the site of Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965. Blacks seeking voting rights, set out from the Brown Chapel AME Church in Selma headed for the state capitol in Montgomery. As they crossed the Alabama River on the Edmund Pettus Bridge they were attacked by police, who had been ordered by Governor Wallace to prevent the group from reaching Montgomery. Nobody was killed but many were injured. To read more you can Google "bloody sunday selma" or click on this link - BloodySundaySelma

We checked out the Civil Rights Memorial Park on the south side of the bridge.

The interpretive center on the north side of the bridge. I took a picture of this large photo inside.

The Brown Chapel AME (African Methodist Episcopal) Church, where the march was planned and started.

After exploring Selma we enjoyed a good lunch at Lannie's Bar-B-Que.

After lunch it was 78 degrees so the top was down for the remainder of the day. We continued west on Hwy 80 to Mississippi where we caught I-20 that took us west to our destination in Vicksburg, MS. We arrived at our hotel at 4:30. It was 71 degrees and our travels today covered 380 miles.

To view all the photos taken today click on the following link: Day2Pics


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