Florida; Day 5

Another walk in paradise this morning.

Then, after cleaning up, it was time to leave Joyce and Tom's. We took off at 9:45, headed south for Cape Coral. It was sunny and 78 degrees when we left.

Two and a half hours later we arrived at Pinchers in Cape Coral. A few minutes after that our good high school friend, Rick Roseberry, arrived. We had a great visit over a tasty lunch. It had been 49 years since we last talked and there was much to catch up on. Rick cracks me up, just like he used to.

After a long lunch we found a hotel in neighboring Fort Myers, Florida. We arrived at 3:30 and as we were pulling into the lot the Mustang thermometer showed it was 91 degrees. It was humid too! After a swim in the hotel pool we called it a day.

We drove 150 miles today. No additional photos were taken.


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