Headed Home; Day 3

Our day started at 7:45 driving north from Vicksburg, MS on Hwy 61 through the Mississippi Delta. It was cloudy, foggy and 61 degrees. Are there really bears in Mississippi?

There were numerous signs along the highway saying #finishthepumps. I think it has something to do with prevention of floods in the area. I found two web sites that explain the situation but I couldn't make myself read all of them.     FinishThePumpsBlog     YazooBackwaterProject

We turned west on Hwy 1 that turned north and paralleled the Mississippi River up to Greenville. Photos were taken of cotton bales, cotton fields, and Lake Washington.

Thirty miles south of Greenville, MS we pulled over and put the top down. It was 67 degrees. I hoped the temperature would increase but they dropped instead. It was 65 degrees when we put the top back up in Greenville, MS and I was glad we did because temperatures continued to drop through the rest of the day.

At Greenville, Highways 82 and 278 took us west and south briefly where we crossed the Mississippi River before turning back north and west headed to Pine Bluff, AR.

Near McGehee, AR it started to rain and it continued all the way to Russellville. We ate lunch at Chester's just south of Pine Bluff. GOOD chicken.

At Pine Bluff we hopped on I-530 north to Little Rock where we caught I-40 west to Clarksville, Arkansas, where we arrived at 3:15. It was a chilly 45 degrees. Our route covered 348 miles. We did see some pretty fall foliage along the way but it probably would have been better with some sunshine. It was a good day stopping to take pictures when I wanted.

After checking into our hotel we went for a walk at the Spadra Creek Nature Trail. It was walking distance from our hotel.

To see all the photos taken today click on this link: Day 3 Pics


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