Florida; Day 1

Having said our goodbyes to Ron and Cindy we rolled down the mountain near Hendersonville, NC at 7:30. It was 66 degrees and raining. Google maps were set to take us on back roads (no Interstate highways) to Clearwater, Florida. I followed Google's directions and made no attempt to record all the highways traveled.

It rained all the way to Greenville, SC and most of the way it was a deluge. The highway was curvy and leaf covered, which made me anxious about the possibility of losing traction. The Poonie hung tough in the curves. It would have been a beautiful drive on a sunny day.

Somewhere south of Greenville the rain stopped and in Greenwood, SC the top came down (75 degrees). It stayed down the rest of the day!
Chris riding top down wearing her new do-rag

We stopped briefly in Baker Creek State Park (South Carolina) so we could stretch our legs and do some walking. This park is on the banks of the Savannah River (Lake?), which is the border between South Carolina and Georgia.
Chris collecting and cleaning a shell

We had a late lunch at the Huddle House in Wren, GA before motoring on to our destination in Waycross, GA where we arrived at 4:14. Our route today covered 344 miles and the high temperature was 90 degrees. Upon arrival at our hotel we were a bit peeved to find it was in the process of being remodeled. Mattresses and furniture were stacked up in the parking lot and our hallway in the hotel was completely blocked. Thanks to the guy in the photo, we made it to our room.
The benefit from all this mess was that our room had new carpet, a new bed, and new furniture. We enjoyed a swim in the pool and soak in the hot tub before calling it a night.

To see the photos taken today click on this here link: PICS


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