North Carolina; Day 4

Ron, Cindy, Chris, Charlie

Another relaxing day on and around Ron & Cindy's mountain near Hendersonville, NC. We went to the Sky Top Orchard in Zirconia, NC, originally to get some apples, but in the end to get some donuts, apple butter and some other stuff.

The ladies did a little shopping in Flat Rock and then again in Hendersonville. While the ladies were shopping in Flat Rock, Ron and I sat outside watching the traffic and drinking coffee and I ate a really good oatmeal raisin cookie.
shopping in Flat Rock

We enjoyed lunch at "A Day in the Country". I got some replacement windshield wipers for Poonie. Cindy fixed another LARRAPIN good dinner and we watched game 7 of the World Series (but maybe we went to bed before it was over???)

It rained pretty much all day and it was foggy on the mountain. Temperatures were in the low 60's.

Another excellent day.

To see the few other photos taken today click on this link: NCday4Pics


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