North Carolina; Day 2

Chris and I drove away (eastbound on I-40) from our hotel in Kingston Springs, TN at 8:10. It was foggy and 54 degrees. In a half hour we experienced the joy of driving through downtown Nashville. If I was smart I would have stopped on the east side of Tennessee yesterday evening.

Burgess Falls State Park (southwest of Cookeville, TN) was our first stop of the day. We had a great time hiking, taking photos and just enjoying the beautiful outdoors. As you can see in the photo below there was still some fog above the river.

It was lunch time when we left Burgess Falls State Park so we drove a short distance south and east on 135 and 111 to Sparta, TN, where we had some pulled pork at Jack's Top BBQ.

From Sparta we drove 70 east to Crossville, where we caught I-40 eastbound. East of Knoxville we took I-26 east (going south) to Hendersonville and then back roads to Ron and Cindy's. They live in a beautiful house on top of a mountain west of Hendersonville. The view from their house is amazing.

We arrived at Ron and Cindy's at 5:30 having driven 362 miles. The high temperature was 78. We could have (and would have) had the top down but we were driving 75 mph in heavy traffic.

Life is good!

To see all photos taken today click on the following link: PICS


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