North Carolina; Day 1

This morning we said our goodbyes to Carl, Marge, Gary and Denah. The prior two days we were with them participating in Gary's Fall Ride. As they rode home to conclude Gary's ride, Chris and I were off for North Carolina to visit Chris' brother and his wife.

We left Bentonville, AR at 8:00 under sunny skies with a temperature of 41. Our route today was simple. Interstate 49 south to Alma and then Interstate 40 east into Tennessee. We drove 534 miles and stopped just west of Nashville in Kingston Springs. The high temperature today was 62.

As we drove south on I-49 we ran into some fog and low lying clouds.

We drove into and out of the fog on down I-49 and eastbound on I-40. Eventually the off-and-on fog turned into clouds, which lasted the last of the trip. We stopped for gas and did some walking in Conway, AR and then enjoyed a soup and salad bar lunch in Forrest City, AR.

After stopping for the day at 4:30 we were happy to learn that Gary, Denah, Carl and Marge made it home safe-and-sound. Our evening was concluded by watching the Chiefs-Packers football game.

Click on this link to view all photos taken today: Day 1 Pics


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