Spring Break Ride 2016; Day 14

Our trip is winding down and the wedding is done. It is time to start the ride home.

Carl is on a mission to get home in time on Saturday (tomorrow) to pick up his dog from the kennel. If he doesn't make it on Saturday his dog can't be picked up until Monday - and Carl is missing his puppy - so off we go.

We left our motel in Angleton, TX at 7:20 and it was 46 degrees. The sculpture below was in Angleton and Chris took a picture of it as we drove past. It's appropriate since Rob and Marcie were married here the night before.

As we rode west on Hwy 35 there was low lying fog, which Chris also captured. It was very low light and we were going 65 mph so it is amazing the picture turned out as well as it did.
She also got a shot of the moon along the same stretch of highway.

Chris had control of the camera and she blazed away at wild flowers (including Texas bluebonnets) as we motored north. She liked trees with gold colored balls of soft fuzz on them and she got a pic of those too. All of these photos look best in full size so click on the link at the end of this post to see them. The color in the photo's don't really do justice to the real colors of the flowers and trees.

We stopped at Giovanni's Italian Restaurant in Paradise, TX for lunch and really enjoyed the food.

After riding 483 miles we stopped for the day in McAlester, OK. The high temperature was 68 and skies were blue and clear all day long.

Click on the following link for all pics taken today:


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