Spring Break Ride 2016; Days 11 & 12

Day 11; 3/22/16

We were in no hurry to leave Corpus Christi this morning so after breakfast Chris and I took a walk on the beach. There was no significant wind at that time.

When we left our motel at 10:40 it was 68 degrees and quite windy. Our route was Hwy 35 north and east along the coast (sort of), which took us over several bays. It was a pretty route.
Hwy 60 took us north to Wharton and then it was Hwy 59 east into Rosenberg. Along the way we noticed a great deal of standing water, high rivers and creeks, pretty wildflowers along the road and numerous fields of new corn.

After checking into our motel we went to brother Don's house for some fine chow and family fellowship. It was dark when we rode back to our motel and one block away I picked up a screw in my rear time. I got screwed in Rosenberg.

With much help from Carl, and using his plugger kit, we removed the screw from the tire and plugged the hole. It was a big screw and it amazes me how something like this gets in the right position to puncture a tire.
There was still a very slight air leak around the plug. I filled the tire with 42 psi and called it a night.

Link to more pics:

Day 12; 3/23/16

I checked my rear tire air pressure and it was a little over 40 psi so it had not lost much pressure overnight. I went to an auto parts store and purchased some flat fix (THANKS for the suggestion, Gary!), which Carl and I put into the tire. The small air leak was gone. I will continue to monitor the tire until I get home.

We rode to Sugar Land, TX to have lunch with our nephew, Rob, who is getting married tomorrow. We enjoyed some tacos at Torchy's Tacos and then Rob took us to one of his urban fishing spots and he demonstrated his skills by catching a fine channel cat.

Then it was back to Don's. Chris, Don, Jeffrey and I went for a walk at a local park where Chris and I smooched under some real life mistletoe in the tree.
Don and Catherine then provided us another tasty dinner. Before leaving, Chris took a picture of me with my brothers.

We took off southbound for Angleton, TX, where the wedding would be the following day. On the way we encountered a few sprinkles and we arrived at our motel before it got real dark.

We rode 84 miles today and had some good family time.

Click on the following link for all pictures from today:


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