Spring Break Ride 2016; Day 9

We departed our motel at 9:00 and took off for Corpus Christi. It was 46 degrees but we had blue clear skies.

Our route took us through Uvalde, Batesville, Dilley, Cotulla, Encinal, Freer and Alice. As we moved eastward the landscape turned more green.

We observed clusters of mistletoe in some of the trees and saw a few Border Patrol vehicles. Since arriving in Presidio, TX several days ago we've seen a lot of Border Patrol vehicles and we've passed through two of their checkpoints. All we have to do is tell them we're U.S citizens and they send us on our way. We went through this checkpoint west of Uvalde, TX.

We checked into our motel on the north beach of Corpus Christi and enjoyed a quick walk on the beach.

The USS Lexington, an old aircraft carrier, is located in the gulf and is just down the beach from our motel. We may check it out tomorrow.

Carl and Marge treated us to an excellent seafood dinner to celebrate our birthdays (mine in February and Chris turned 63 yesterday). We ate at Blackbeard's, which was right next to our motel.

Chris did a load of laundry in the motel laundry room before we called it a night.

We rode 311 miles today and our high temperature was 64. It was another beautiful day.

Click here for pics from today:


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