Spring Break Ride 2016; Day 3

Chris and I went out to uncover the motorcycle and do some preliminary packing this morning and saw this pretty sunrise. Chris gets the photography credit.

We departed our motel in Amarillo at 8:40 and headed to Palo Duro Canyon State Park. It was 45 degrees. When we arrived at the park we only had one vehicle ahead of us, which was a pleasant and drastic change from yesterday. It was also warming quickly making for a beautiful day.

We had a good time at the park. It was pretty but it was not as grand as I expected for the second largest canyon in the country.

From the entrance the road through the park descends to the canyon floor. We rode the entire route following Carl and Marge taking pictures as we went.

We parked in a picnic area and hiked a mile and a half along a trail that sort of followed the river (creek) that goes through the canyon. 
Following our hike we had to refuel so we enjoyed a picnic in the park.

After lunch we left the park and rode west back through Canyon, TX and then west and south to Clovis, NM. At an intersection in Clovis we saw the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident where a pick-up truck rear-ended a larger truck. Glad it wasn't one of us.

From Clovis we rode south and west to Roswell, NM. This route was very warm (a high of 85), extremely windy, dusty and nothing interesting to look at. I took a picture backwards and captured the most beautiful thing out there. Looking at this picture later I realized how blessed I am. Not too many guys have a wife who will ride all over the country on a motorcycle with them. Plus, she's such a cute little heifer!
We arrived safe and sound in Roswell,
checked into our motel and enjoyed a soak in the hot tub. We were going to swim also, but the pool water was a bit too chilly. After enjoying dinner at Tia Juana's Mexican restaurant located next door to our motel, we called it a night.

We had a great day that included 257 miles in the saddle. Life is good!

For more pictures from today click on the following link: https://goo.gl/photos/ngxNdUp65CEi982t9


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