Northern Wanderings; Day 10

It rained in the night and it was still cloudy and 63 degrees when we left our hotel in Bimidji. It rained most of the day, sometimes hard, so this is the first day of the trip with no top-down time. Our high temperature today was 76 degrees and we drove 376 miles.

Our route today: 71 south out of Bemidji, 200 east (for a very short distance), 64 south to Motley, 10 south and east to Monticello, I-94 east through Minneapolis and most of St. Paul, 10 south to Prescott, WI, 35 south, and 53 south into Onalaska, WI.

When we started the day we didn't think we'd have much sightseeing to do so we took pictures of roadside oddities and attractions. Here's an example in Leader, MN on Hwy 64.
It seemed appropriate - a huge pig and "Clark"

We stopped briefly in Motley, MN for more roadside photos and then again at Treasure City on Hwy 10 in Royalton, MN. It was time to stretch our legs and Chris wanted to explore. All sorts of treasures were waiting to be discovered here.

As we were driving through the twin cities it occurred to Chris that St. Paul was the capital of Minnesota and she loves to see state capitol buildings. So we stopped to check it out. It was a beautiful building with a lot of marble inside.

From the capitol we could see a gigantic church on the horizon, which we learned was St. Paul's Cathedral. We checked it out too. Another beautiful building and, surprisingly, it was open to the public.

We ate a late lunch at the Kitchen Table in Prescott, WI on the Mississippi River. The reuben sandwich and the blue cheese potato salad were delicious.

It was raining hard as we drove out of Prescott and it rained all but the last 50 miles or so into Onalaska, where we stopped for the day at 5:30. A great day despite the rain.

Click on this link to see all the photos taken today: DAY 10 PHOTOS


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